Robert Henke's life with Max

On the new Cycling 74 web site, you can read an interview with Robert Henke. Artist known as monolake, he very close to the Ableton Live team. He was a guest at expo74, cycling 74's first user conference in April 2009. That was refreshing to hear him recount his "life with Max". But the best was when he told his feature requests during the open session with the Max & Jitter team!

Robert Henke lives with Max
Robert Henke presents "his life with Max" at expo74 (April 2009)

Robert Henke Atlantic Waves Max Patch
Atlantic Waves: a collaborative sequencer played by himself in Berlin and deadbeat in Montréal

I like the first minute of this interesting video where Robert Henke talks about sound quality.
If it sounds good, it sounds good. Who can disagree with that?


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