Working with Karlheinz Stockhausen - The art of performing

Dress rehearsal, August 2003. As an homage to Karlheinz Stockhausen , I want to share with you a text I wrote in 2003, right after working with the composer. Several noteworthy aspects of his work have not been given much importance in the comments after his passing away. One of them is the importance of performance practice in his music. That's one of the memories we musicians will keep after having performed the world première and recorded Rechter Augenbrauentanz ( The Dance of the Right Eyebrow ). The musicians clarinet and solo Eb clarinet : Michele Marelli clarinets : Rumi Sota-Klemm (by the way, Rumi played basset-horn in Montag aus Licht ), Antonia Lorenz, Roberta Gottardi , Maja Pawelke, Jean-François Charles bass clarinets : Petra Stump and Heinz-Peter Linshalm synthesizer : Antonio Pérez Abellán percussion : Michael Pattmann conductor : Adrian Heger In the recording studio, August 2003. Impressions (2003) Stockhausen is a master in performance practice...