Orchestre Lyrique de Région Avignon-Provence in danger

I just received an e-mail from Didier Breuque, a friend and clarinet player in the Orchestre Lyrique de Région Avignon Provence (OLRAP) . He calls for help because the orchestra is in a very difficult financial situation and is in need of more support by French cultural institutions, sponsors or patrons. The call was also relayed by the Cahiers de la Musique Classique . The OLRAP is more than a lyric orchestra : the versatility, curiosity, and involvement of the musicians has enabled them to perform a wide repertoire, from baroque to symphonic repertoire to contemporary creation . They notably performed the premières of two works of mine: Nigritella nigra for clarinet and string quartet (in 1998) and Helianthus musca for ensemble (in 1999). The current musical director is the American conductor Jonathan Schiffman . I'm sure they would appreciate your help: you need only sign the on-line petition Save the Orchestre Lyrique Région Avignon-Provence (French only). Amazon.com W...