I'm thrilled to announce that Flutist Margaret Lancaster performs Scratch at NIME 2017, the New Interfaces for Musical Expression conference . The performance takes place on Tuesday, May 16 at 8PM, at KoncertKirken Blågårds Plads 6A, 2200 København N. "..... Touched....." Concert Program Milica Paranosic : Lady M Jean-Francois Charles: Scratch Rikard Lindell : Critical Digitalism Robert Pritchard : The Memory of Your Touch Chris Chafe : A Day in the Sun Scratch Program Notes for melodic instrument & live electronics Jean-François Charles, 2016-2017 Homage to Karlheinz Stockhausen & Grandmaster Flash This composition is inspired by Karlheinz Stockhausen’s work Solo, for melodic instrument and tape delay, and by Grandmaster Flash’s innovative techniques, which helped transform the turntable into a musical instrument. In Vinko Globokar’s 1969 recording of Solo, Stockhausen scratched, braked, and cut sounds on tape. A few years later, Flash modified h...