
Showing posts from January, 2014

Oscar Wiggli, a sculptor and a composer

On Friday, January 31st, director Claude Stadelmann presents his documentary about sculptor & composer Oscar Wiggli at the Théâtre de l'ABC in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. The movie is shown at 6:15 p.m., followed by a concert of Wiggli's electroacoustic music at 8:30 ( more information ). Accompanying three outstanding multimedia students last year in Switzerland, I had the great pleasure to meet Oscar Wiggli and his wife Janine, as well as Claude Stadelmann. Next week, I'll tell you more about this visit and about the Syhamo . Sound lavis In this nice excerpt from the film , Oscar Wiggli is creating a sound lavis , i.e. a graphical creation in which he hears sound. Check out from 0:58 when he explains his work:

Tonight: homage to composer Christophe Bertrand

I met Christophe Bertrand at the Strasbourg conservatory : we both studied with composer Ivan Fedele . We also worked in the same ARES music school . Unfortunately, Christophe decided to leave this world in 2010. Tonight, you are invited to a concert of his beautiful and energetic music. Two contemporary classical music ensembles join forces for this unique event: In Extremis (co-founded by Christophe Bertrand) and Court-Circuit . Special thought for the In Extremis musicians: we shared intense musical time in the East of France, especially with violinist Szuhwa Wu, flutist Olivier Class, pianist Maxime Springer, and cellist Anil Eraslan. Concert at 8 p.m. Monday, January 20th, 2014 Studio 105, Radio France 116 avenue du Président Kennedy, 75016 Paris Porte B Free entrance. If you can't make it to the concert hall, listen to the live broadcast on France-Musique radio !

Usine presentation: software for music interaction

Usine Hollyhock is made for musical interaction. In the panorama of music software, it lies somewhere in between Ableton Live & Max . Chief developer of Usine , Olivier Sens is invited in Brest as contrabass player, composer, and improviser, to perform with dancer and choreographer Dominique Jégou in festival Désordre (see also the Désordre poster ). They are also leading an improvisation workshop . Usine software presentation in Brest I'm delighted to announce that Olivier Sens accepted to present the Usine software at the Brest conservatory . You are invited! The interactive presentation happens on Monday, January 20th, at 6:30 p.m., room Bergot 206 (1, rue Chatellier), Brest (France) . Free entrance, plus bring your music instrument for a chance to experience novel musical interactions!