Film Music 101 - Robert Kraft - Pharmacy Music
Listen while reading! This fall, I have been proposed to produce the music for a very special movie: a commercial to be played in the waiting room of a pharmacy. I thought "Why not?" I would surely learn new things and improve my Logic Studio skills. Coincidence, on October 26th, when I was drafting the music, Robert Kraft was invited at Harvard. Robert Kraft is the President of Fox Music Inc. He gave me interesting comments on Dérives . But he was even more helpful on my pharmaceutical work in progress: Be more repetitive . The audience likes repetition. Don't waste all your ideas in a short amount of time. And the audience expects the theme to come back. Indeed, my first version was an accumulation of musical loops, very varied, because I was afraid of being too repetitive! It's good to use a clear structure . For instance, a 4 or 8-bar looping structure. As you can hear, the new version is very much 4-bar oriented. I synchronized the music with the picture throu...