
Showing posts from January, 2015

Electro-jazz @ Désordre 2015

Krystian Sarrau is a great saxophonist, and the head of the jazz department at the Brest conservatory. Last year, we talked together about creating musical links between musicians from different departments in the music school. We came up with a new electro-jazz workshop, gathering Quentin & Romain (bass & drums) from the contemporary music department, Lucien, Kristina & Joël (sax, keys & e.guitar) from the jazz department, and the guest electronic music producers Dusty Corners . We tutored the students during three work sessions since November. You are invited to listen to their new set: the concert is taking place as part of the Désordre festival: Saturday, February 7th, 11 p.m. Mac Orlan venue in Brest. More information on the Penn Ar Jazz web site.

Signals. Musique en salle d'attente

Signals.Musique en salle d'attente is a radio program dedicated to Post-Rock , Ambient , and Drone . It is broadcast on Tuesdays, 10:30-11:30 p.m., on student-run Radio Campus-Besançon. I was honored to be featured on the show with Electroclarinet 6 , parts 1 & 2. Curator DJ L.K. knows an incredible amount of obscure, weird, or improbable music. He included my work in his 44th edition, along with music by Anjou, Black Rain, Arandel , Diabologum , Depêche Mode, Greg Haines and a group of musicians also from Brest: Dale Cooper Quartet & The Dictaphones . Listen to Signals #44 on mixcloud . Like Signals.Musique en salle d'attente on facebook !

Max @ Telecom Bretagne

Last Monday afternoon, I presented the Max development environment to artists from EESAB (Brest Art School) and engineers from Telecom Bretagne . Noémie Sprenger, a professor at the Brest conservatory , taught about interactive electronic music in the morning. The students then made groups to work on collaborative art-science projects. I helped a couple of groups on Tuesday morning: several of them planned on using Jitter, the video part of Max. Others were especially interested in the Arduino-Max connections. The students are presenting their work tomorrow: feel free to stop by at the Telecom Bretagne school, in the students Foyer, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you can't make it, I guess Sylvie, the electronics professor who is responsible for the organization, is going to report on the Telecom Bretagne Fablab blog . I'm looking forward to discover what they came up with in a week! Update Jan 26: students did post details on the telefax blog. For instance, Buildung, an interactive...