Meeting Point

Back online, the version of Treffpunkt (Meeting Point) bassist Franck Cottet-Dumoulin and I recorded in 2001. Treffpunkt belongs to the Aus den sieben Tagen series of text compositions by Karlheinz Stockhausen (see also this page for more information about the cycle). The file I shared in 2007 had disappeared, and I was recently asked to make it available again.

Cover from the 1973 Deutsche Grammophon vynile

That request came just after we heard Nomi Epstein at the University of Iowa: she is a composer who works a lot with text and alternative musical notation in her own scores. With the ensemble, they gave a great performance of TIME WITH PEOPLE, an experimental opera by Tim Parkinson.

Here is another take on intuitive music, where Franck Cottet-Dumoulin plays with pianist Jean-Marie Reboul:


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