
Deanne Wortman is the Program Manager of the Virginia A. Myers NEXUS of Engineering and the Arts at the University of Iowa's School of Engineering. She is an a print-making artist, and passionate about collaborative art. She has been taking care of an old piano in her office, until it became... something else.

This "new" instrument inspired Alexander Toth (from the New Musical Instruments course) to compose a new piece using live feedback. We are thrilled to invite you to the première performance of the piece:

November 29, 2:30pm
NEXUS office, 2313 Seamans Center
University of Iowa, College of Engineering

Decomposition: artist statement

Decomposition is a musical work that strives to strip down the teleological implications of a traditional musical instrument and the roles of musician and composer through augmentation of a disassembled piano by means of a contact microphone and a transducer. The artist explores the sonic capabilities of the piano’s base elements through experimentation with transmission and feedback within a loose, highly-improvisational form.


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