Spectral music in Boston

Yesterday, the Boston Musical Intelligencer published an interview of Joshua Fineberg by composer David Dominique.

I was lucky to work with Joshua Fineberg during my time at the Harvard Music Department. He was a great tutor when I was writing the article A Tutorial on Spectral Sound Processing Using Max/MSP and Jitter. But don't get fooled by the spectral word: I was not really talking about spectral music.

To know more about spectral music, make sure you read the interview, and—even better—attend the concert on Saturday, March 26, 8p.m. at Boston University’s College of Fine Arts Concert Hall. You'll hear ensemble Sound Icon perform Fineberg's Recueil de Pierre et de Sable and Gérard Grisey's Partiels.

Joshua Fineberg's 2006 book: Classical Music, Why Bother?


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