Seven Harvard Talks

Last week, my dissertation colloquium was my last and seventh talk in five years at the Harvard Music Departement. The piece most of the audience talked to me after the colloquium has been PPP:

PPP slide
One of the presentation slides from my dissertation colloquium.

The six previous talks were:

  1. Fall 2005 Incoming PhD student, I presented some of my compositions in the fields of chamber music, dance & music, and interaction with live electronics. Violinist and composer Hillary Zipper joined me very friendly and we performed excerpts from Plex, a composition for violin and live electronics.
  2. Fall 2006 I was blessed to have the Ying string quartet for this talk. We played together a preview of the two first movements of Carlina acaulis for contrabass clarinet and string quartet. I presented my work in progress, including the drafts and ideas for the third movement, that wasn't completed at the time.
  3. Fall 2007 During the musicologists' colloquium series, I presented my explorations of granular synthesis and spectral sound processing. The spectral domain part of the talk was a summary of the article A Tutorial on Spectral Sound Processing with Max/MSP and Jitter.
  4. Spring 2008 In a talk entitled "Music Online and Online Music", I went from making music available online (youtube, myspace,, etc.) to creating online-based musical projects (like 60/60).
  5. Spring 2009 "Formula Composition in Lapalu and Viola palustris" or how these two compositions are integral serial compositions (well, from a certain point of view!) I showed the kitchen-side of the composition process, presenting drafts, schemes, etc. I also presented details of my hardware set-up and Max/MSP/Jitter patches to perform Lapalu.
  6. Spring 2009 In the Huseac Studio Users Group, I spend time on my Max/MSP/Jitter patch for slicing a sound in performance time. This spectrally-based slicing patch is available on the cycling74 share page.


  1. I like how youtube's relevant videos to PPP is dominated by "Potter Puppet Pals". Awesome work!

  2. Thanks for the visit, Doug. I didn't know about that! See you soon!


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