Ensemble New Flore - 2001 to 2005

Ensemble New Flore Spirales

Do you know the Wayback Machine? It automatically archives the content of web sites. On the site, you can visit web sites as they were several years ago. I just discovered this service, and I had a look at the www.newflore.org archive.

I founded the Ensemble New Flore in 2001, and we produced musical shows until 2005, when I moved to Cambridge, USA.
With a great team of artists and technicians, we performed shows in France, Switzerland and Poland:

  • 2001: Autour du Zodiaque
  • 2002: Danse Orange
  • 2003: Nowa muzyka
  • 2003 - 2004: évolutive 1 2 3
  • 2004: Spirales
  • 2005: Lieu II

It was a privilege to work with the following artists over these years: Jean-Luc Tartera and Maurice Gabioud (actors), Franck Cottet-Dumoulin and Jean-Daniel Hégé (double bass), Alice Gervais-Ragu (dance), Édith Le Rôle and Brenda Ohana (percussion), Elsa Biston (live electronics and sound diffusion), Paul Lienhard and Amandine Grevoz (highly competent technicians).

So much fun

Leading the Ensemble New Flore was an extraordinary experience. For me and a very close team of 3 persons, that was the occasion to learn about many interesting domains, such as: accounting, booking, border crossing, brazing, buying audio equipment, catering, chemistry, dance floors, driving small trucks, flight cases, French labour regulations, human relations, live sound, lighting, making a pitch, mixing, percussion instruments, press, printing techniques, renting vehicles, seam, scheduling rehearsals, short wave receivers, tax regulations, web design... (yes, this list looks close to Justin Boland's list of skills.)

More archives

Another way of going back to 2004 is to search the archives of newspapers. Here is an article written by Antoine Wicker before our 2004 Spirales tour:

Ensemble New Flore Jean-Francois Charles DNA

To read more, here is another article from the Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace:
"Un compositeur inspiré" (an inspired composer,) from November 2003.


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