Prisma meeting - Summer 2020

This summer, the Prisma group of composers & music technologists met online instead of at Ircam. The meetings took place every day from July 6 to July 9, in four different time zones:

  • 6-8pm in Paris, Berlin & Vienna
  • 12-2pm in Boston/Cambridge
  • 11am-1pm in Winnipeg & Iowa City
  • 9-11am in Los Angeles
Prisma Composers Meeting

We had a great set of presentations:

  • Hans Tutschku: Composing with Large Sound Collections
  • Jacopo Baboni Schilingi: Le Temps de l'Écho
  • Johannes Kretz: creative (mis)understandings
  • Johannes Kretz: Experiences with Live-Electronics – completely on iPad and (almost) completely wireless
  • Orjan Sandred & Julien Vincenot: Cluster Engine from PWGL into Max as part of MOZlib
  • Orjan Sandred: Creative projects
  • Jean-François Charles: Spectral envelopes: gaussian blur, cepstral cross-synthesis, and historical pattern recognition

As per usual, the presentations touched on topics ranging from aesthetics to art & technology. We all learnt a lot. We hope to meet physically next year, for more impromptu interactions, which can lead to unexpected new ideas and projects. Still, it was a quite productive meeting, one of the most important events in my summer activities.


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