Composit Live Electronics Ensemble 2017

I'm thrilled to take part in July to the Composit Music Festival & Summer Course 2017. The new Composit Live Electronics Ensemble, CLEE, will get started this year. Following Composit 2016's improvisation sessions with instruments, laptops, and analog electronics, we will include regular ensemble workshops in the July 2017 schedule. The students will play in the ensemble, mixing acoustic & electronic music. The ensemble will work on improvisation and on compositions by the group members. Of course, there will be a public performance in beautiful Rieti!

Apply to the composition program to get your piece performed by great new music specialists, and to work closely with composers Pierluigi Billone and Davide Ianni. Or apply to the Sound Augmented program, get live electronics and advanced Max lessons, discover the axoloti music making platform, take part to CLEE, maybe work on an installation project, and get feedback from artist and composer Peter Ablinger.

Don't hesitate to let me know if you have any question about the Composit program!


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