Stockhausen's Mikrophonie I in Paris

Thanks to Philippe Arrii-Blachette's relentless energy, we are performing (with Ensemble Sillages) Stockhausen's Mikrophonie I in Paris this Friday (after our January performance of Mikrophonie I).

I hope you can come hear this music, rarely performed. The concert is taking place at église Saint-Merry, in the Rendez-vous contemporains season.

The program features also great music by Jean-Luc Hervé, and Javier Torres Maldonado:

  • Jean-Luc Hervé: Horizons inclinés (Ciacconia), for violin & acousmatic system
  • Javier Torres Maldonado: Cuarteto de Cuerdas número 2, for string quartet
  • Karlheinz Stockhausen: Mikrophonie I (1964), for two percussionists, two microphonists, and audio filters

We had rehearsals in the church today: the sound is quite warm. It is a pleasure to work with the great team of La Muse en Circuit, our partners for the sound system.


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