Nabil Benabdeljalil's Moroccan Symphony

Tonight, I wish I were in London with my friend Nabil Benabdeljalil to listen to the English Chamber Orchestra performing the UK première of his Adagio for Strings. We studied composition together with maestro Ivan Fedele at the Strasburg Conservatory. During this time, we spent one week together at the Villa Medici, meeting daily with composer Pascal Dusapin - the week when we met composer Davide Ianni. It was a great pleasure to spend time in Roma with Nabil, talking about music, culture, faith religions, and more.

If you are not in London tonight, meet Nabil through his Moroccan Symphony (youtube link).

Jazzy, Moroccan, classical, in the tradition, witty, this music is brillant! Listen to the beautiful Sacrifice at the end of the Third Movement: a Moroccan Sacre!


  1. Thank you dear Jean-François, hope we will have opportunity to meet eache other together and think about lot of interesting things


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