Master in Multimedia: Fall news

A new semester is starting at the university of Franche-Comté, where I've been involved in a few changes in the curriculum of the Master in Multimedia, option Music & Sound.

As I announced in February, we worked with the teaching staff to include new topics for "Master 2" students, especially theoretical work on microprocessors and practical applications at the crossroads of arts & technology with the Arduino platform.

I'm very excited since two groups of students chose final projects using these technologies:

  1. A first group is going to work on a 21st century version of the Syhamo, Oscar Wiggli's synthesizer reacting to its environment.
  2. A second group chose to work on a novel musical instrument with hardware inspired by a traditional flute - maybe connected to a smartphone...

Music & 3D videos

I invite you to watch the winner of the Spring 2012 Rhizome competition. In this event, teams of "Master 1" students create 3D videos, from the story to the final projection. 2012 winner was Grab the spoon:


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