Jodi Allen teaches a great dance class at Harvard

I'm just back from the Saturday's Modern Strengthening dance class at the Harvard Dance Center. This is the first movement class I took when I arrived in Cambridge, and I'm taking it again this Spring, my last semester here.

Jodi Leigh Allen, who is teaching the class, is one of the great artists taking part in the Harvard Dance Program. She offers a unique blend of running, jumping jacks, countless pliés, dégagés, military style push-ups, boxer style ABC sit-ups, Horton technique flat backs, and - oh yes - techno music. Today, we didn't have time for free weights, but we'll get to them next week!

Jodi is staging her piece Breathe in March of 2010. The announcement in the Harvard Office for the Arts' blog is perfectly entitled Pushing the Boundaries of Physicality.

Harvard Office Arts motto
make art. we can help. Office for the Arts' motto.

Take Jodi's class, you won't regret it... For sure, I'm stronger now than when I arrived here a couple of years ago!


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