Morphologic free improv in Boston

Morphology is Ruth Lepson and Walter Crump's new book. It features "Dream poems" and pictures by poet Ruth Lepson, as well as pictures by photographer Walter Crump.

On October 13th, a great evening celebrating the publication of the book took place at Studio Soto, Boston. In the form of a slide talk, Ruth Lepson read poetry and projected images, and Walter Crump, presented new work and work from the book. With Joe Moffett (trumpet), Eric Lane (keyboard and electronics), and Noah Preminger (tenor sax), we played improvised music, interacting with Ruth reading her poetry. Ruth is poet-in-residence at New England Conservatory

Ruth Lepson and me had lunch together two weeks ago: I would like to feature some poems of hers in a new composition. It would be a new piece for flute, electronics, and poetry reading, that I envision for Mario Caroli's coming in Cambridge in May 2008 (see also my previous post about recording Mario Caroli). I will set several poems, in verse (I really like her games with meanings and sonorities of the words) and prose (like the "Dream poems" in Morphology).



Ruth Lepson.

The book is edited by BlazeVox and is available as a free pdf download on the Morphology page. You can also support artists by buying Ruth Lepson's books on amazon.


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