Nattie's Air in Strasbourg

On Thursday, June 28, Françoise Kubler and Armand Angster are going to première Nattie's Air, a composition for mezzo-soprano, bass clarinet, and cymbal with live electronics. The cymbal is similar to the instrument I used to perform Absalon Crash during the NIME 2018 conference.

The concert is part of a three day festival: Ensemble Accroche Note's Rencontres d'été in Strasbourg, France.

A recital for soprano, clarinet, and electronics

Here is the program of this exciting concert:

  • Luigi Nono: La Fabbrica Illuminata for soprano and fixed media (1964)
  • Luis Naon: Ultimos Movimientos for soprano, clarinet and electronics (2013)
  • Jean-François Charles: Nattie’s Air for soprano, bass clarinet and electronics (2018) – world première
  • François Bousch: Dualité Miroirs for soprano, clarinet and fixed media (2012)
  • Philippe Manoury: Illud Etiam for soprano, clarinet and electronics (2013)


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