Passage - program notes

I just wrote a couple of notes for the Electrocution 2016 festival: we are performing the première on April 2nd.

Passage (2015-2016)

for percussion & live electronics
Duration: 7 minutes

Passage evokes the transition from one state of life to another. The passage may open new horizons, such as when the larva abandons his exuviae to take its dragonfly flight ; it may also hold a detoxification function, as when the crab gets rid of heavy metals while molting.
In this composition, new sonic horizons are revealed not only by spatialization & sound processing, but mostly by acoustic research on new instruments made from recycled materials. The pizza pan completed its transformation into an anaquaphone, the coffee cans turned into a cimbalom.
Many thanks to artist Henri-Pierre Deroux and multi-instrumentalist Van Hien Bui for the design and loan of novel instruments.

Percussion part

Here is the first page of the extended percussionist's part, with more space than the original global part, to allow for note taking.


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