Max @ Telecom Bretagne

Last Monday afternoon, I presented the Max development environment to artists from EESAB (Brest Art School) and engineers from Telecom Bretagne. Noémie Sprenger, a professor at the Brest conservatory, taught about interactive electronic music in the morning.

The students then made groups to work on collaborative art-science projects. I helped a couple of groups on Tuesday morning: several of them planned on using Jitter, the video part of Max. Others were especially interested in the Arduino-Max connections.

The students are presenting their work tomorrow: feel free to stop by at the Telecom Bretagne school, in the students Foyer, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you can't make it, I guess Sylvie, the electronics professor who is responsible for the organization, is going to report on the Telecom Bretagne Fablab blog.

I'm looking forward to discover what they came up with in a week!

Update Jan 26: students did post details on the telefax blog. For instance, Buildung, an interactive synthesizer



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