Interactive Musique Francaise

On Friday & Saturday, March 23rd & 24th, the Ensemble de Musique Interactive are performing in New York City.

Led by composer Jacopo Baboni Schilingi, this French ensemble is dedicated to 21st century music, focusing on works for classical instruments & live electronics.

Musical interactivity: a festival

The concerts are part of the event Ghost in the Instrument, a festival

Exploring Trends in Music for Instrumentalists and Computers from Boulez to the Next Generation:

  • Friday, March 23rd, 7 p.m.
    Prentis Hall, Computer Music Center
    632 West 125th Street New York
    Music, dance performances, installations
  • Saturday, March 24th, 7 p.m.
    Miller Theater, 2960 Broadway (at 116th Street)
    Marathon concert with 4 classics, 11 world premieres, including a work with sculpture, and two with video
  • Sunday, March 25th, Columbia University, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    Workshop on PWGL, a software for Computer Assisted Composition

Great performers

All of the performers making the trip from France have been committed to new music for years. I hope you get to hear them soon, and meet with them. They are both performing artists and dedicated teachers: they have all been teaching at the Montbeliard Conservatory.

  • Philippe Bouveret, saxophones
  • Rachel Gleize, cello
  • Bertrand Monneret, percussion
  • Véronique Ngo Sach-Hien, piano
  • Christian Schmitt, oboe
  • Szuwha Wu, violin

For more information, visit the festival web site: Ghost in the Instrument.


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