James Ingram & Music Engraving

Karlheinz Stockhausen James Ingram

Maybe you know already James Ingram, who wrote Michael Jackson's PYT with Quincy Jones. But today, I want to invite you to visit the new web site of another James Ingram, who worked during a long time as Karlheinz Stockhausen's personal engraver.

James Ingram enabled Karlheinz Stockhausen to reach the quality of engraving he wanted for his scores. Have a look at some excerpts. I particularly like Michaels Reise um die Erde and Xi for basset-horn (I studied this piece several years ago - the fingerings are given for a Leblanc basset-horn, but it's easy to find ones that work for the Buffet Crampon model).

Scores are published by Stockhausen Verlag.
Picture by Clive Barda, 1985, retrived from this Unsichtbare Chöre review.


  1. It seems that many may be interested in James Ingram's interview, where he looks back at his collaboration with the composer Karlheinz Stockhausen. It's on his web site: http://james-ingram-act-two.de/stockhausen/OnBeingInvisible/onBeingInvisible.html

  2. Thanks for posting this, Jean-Francois! I have been a great fan of Ingram's work for a long time. The Stockhausen Verlag publishes without question the most beautiful scores in the business!


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